UKCCF Awards

Award Categories


Individual Categories

Agent of the Year

The judges will recognise a Contact Centre or Customer Service Agent/Advisor that has performed at an outstanding level during the last 12 months.

Senior Agent of the Year – NEW!

The judges will recognise outstanding Senior Agent or Advisor within your teams that have been within a senior agent role for at least the last 12 months. 

Team Leader of the Year

The judges will recognise a Team Leader, Team Manager or Supervisor that has made a significant contribution to the success of their Contact Centre or Customer Service operation in the last 12 months.

Note: This person should have direct line management responsibility for front line agents.

Manager of the Year

The judges will recognise a Manager that has made a significant contribution to the success of their Contact Centre or Customer Service operation in the last 12 months.

Head of Contact Centre / Director of the Year

The judges will recognise a Head of Contact Centre / Director that has made a significant contribution to the success of their Contact Centre or Customer Service operation in the last 12 months.

 category sponsored by:

Customer Experience Manager of the Year

The judges will recognise a Customer Experience Manager that has made a significant contribution to the success of their Contact Centre or Customer Service operation in the last 12 months.

Support Person of the Year

The judges will recognise a Support Person that has made a significant contribution to the success of their Contact Centre or Customer Service operation in the last 12 months. This category is open to anyone in a role that directly supports customer-facing functions. The nominee could, for example, work in HR / Resource Planning / Administration / IT / Logistics / Facilities Management

Vulnerable Customer Champion of the Year – NEW!

The judges will recognise a Contact Centre or Customer Service employee that has championed the needs of customer (or customers) and/or to help a colleague (or colleagues).

Note: This category is not limited to Agents. Team Leaders, Managers and back office staff are also eligible.

Diversity and Inclusion Champion – NEW!

The judges are still working on the criteria for this brand new category. Please reigster your interest in the category by clicking the button and selecting the category and we will send you the nomination form as soon as the criteria has been finalised. 

Industry Newcomer of the Year

The judges will recognise an Agent, Team Leader or Manager that has joined a Contact Centre  or Customer Service operation within the last 12 months and performed at an outstanding level. 

Going the Extra Mile

The judges will recognise a Contact Centre or Customer Service employee that has gone the extra mile to help a customer (or customers) and/or to help a colleague (or colleagues).

Team Categories

Complaints Management Team of the Year

The judges will recognise a Contact Centre or Complaints Management Team within a customer contact operation that has achieved outstanding results over the last 12 months.

Customer Experience Team of the Year

The judges will recognise a Contact Centre or Customer Experience Team within a customer contact operation that has achieved outstanding results over the last 12 months. 

Customer Service Team of the Year

The judges will recognise a Customer Service Team within a customer contact operation that has achieved outstanding results over the last 12 months.

Recruitment Team of the Year

The judges will recognise a Contact Centre or Customer Service team that has launched an innovative Recruitment Strategy in the last 12 months; or whose current Recruitment Strategy has led to outstanding success during that period.

Support Team of the Year

The judges will recognise a Support Team that has made a significant contribution to the success of their Contact Centre or Customer Service operation in the last 12 months. This category is open to any team that directly supports customer-facing functions. The team could, for example, work in: HR/Resource Planning/Administration/IT/Logistics/Facilities Management

Company Categories

Best Customer Experience of the Year

The judges will recognise a Contact Centre or Customer Service Team that has delivered outstanding Customer Experiences in the last 12 months.

Best Health & Wellbeing Programme of the Year

The judges will recognise a Contact Centre or Customer Service Operation that has launched an innovative Health and Well Being Programme to support employees’ physical and mental health in the last 12 months; or whose current Health and Well Being Programme has led to outstanding success during that period.

Best use of Technology

The judges will recognise a Contact Centre or Customer Service operation that has achieved outstanding results through the innovative use of technology in the last 12 months.

Best AI Customer Experience – NEW!

The judges are still working on the criteria for this category. You can request nomination forms and they will be sent as soon as they are available. 

Employee Engagement Strategy of the Year

The judges will recognise a Contact Centre or Customer Service Operation that has launched an innovative Employee Engagement Strategy in the last 12 months; or whose current Employee Engagement Strategy has led to outstanding success during that period.

Improvement Strategy of the Year

The judges will recognise a Contact Centre or Customer Service Operation that has launched an innovative Improvement Strategy in the last 12 months; or whose current Improvement Strategy has led to outstanding success during that period.

Outsourcing Partnership of the Year

The judges will recognise a customer contact Outsourcing Partnership that has delivered outstanding success in the last 12 months.

Best Contact Centre Workplace of the Year

The judges will recognise a Contact Centre or Customer Service Operation that is deemed by its employees to be a great place to work.

Public Contact Centre of the Year*

The judges will recognise a best-in-class Public Sector* Contact Centre that has delivered outstanding success in the last 12 months.

*This category includes Housing Associations, Charities and Regulatory Bodies. We may split this category to cater for Small, Medium and Large sized centres

Small Contact Centre of the Year (under 50 seats)

The judges will recognise a best-in-class under 50 seat Contact Centre that has delivered outstanding success in the last 12 months.

Medium Contact Centre of the Year (51 – 200 seats)

The judges will recognise a best-in-class under 50 seat Contact Centre that has delivered outstanding success in the last 12 months.

Large Contact Centre of the Year (201 + seats)

The judges will recognise a best-in-class under 50 seat Contact Centre that has delivered outstanding success in the last 12 months.